Here at Loop, we love to make tech easy for people, and help people find great solutions that help their businesses thrive.

Running a business can be hard enough without having to optimise and manage a web presence as well.

As the primary entry point to your organisation, your web site is incredibly important. Whether you’re a commercial business, a start-up or a Not For Profit, a professional web presence can make a significant difference to the growth and sustainability of your business.

We have now complete more than 500 projects, ranging from small one-off projects to complex $300k long-term projects.

We have a team of experienced designers, project managers, quality assurance managers and developers to help you acheive your business goals.

What sets us apart

Right Shore Approach

Our team is made up of a great mix of great local Aussies and some of the best developers, designers, and quality assurance experts from around the world. This means you get the best quality for a lower price.

The Agency that Agencies come to

Where do experts go when then need advice or web support? The answer is Loop. We are proud to help a number of great agencies around Australia.

A support company

While we build 50+ websites each year, Loop started out as web support company. This means we're here long after we build your new site ready for your additional support requests.

Business Development experience

Before we niched down to focus on website design and development we were a business development consulting company. We bring a lot more than just beautiful designs to your next project!


Design is more than
what meets the eye

Your goal is our goal. We not only want to
create designs that look amazing but
designs that have amazing purpose.

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