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It’s Time for a Change


At the very start, Jiffi Web Help was formed to help businesses with their websites, filling in the gap either in time or lack of knowledge. While this is still a part of our focus, Jiffi...

Can I use WordPress for an enterprise level website?

Insights, Web Design, Wordpress

In this article we're going to discuss if WordPress can be used to build an enterprise level website? The answer is, yes, it can, however it's not necessarily how you will find most WordPress websites are...

Designing your website homepage to convert

Insights, Web Design, Wordpress

Messaging When beginning the design stage of your website, the team at Loop Web Design recommend putting yourself in the shoes of the type of site visitor you would like to attract. When you begin work...

5 Questions to ask yourself before you build your next website

Web Design, Wordpress

In this article, we're going to talk about five important questions to ask yourself before building your next website. The first question is to talk about who is your target market? Who do you want to...

In the mean time, read our latest blogs

How to prevent hackers on your site: Know where your passwords are

Wordpress Security

The seventh part of our series on how to keep your website secure involves the one word that can make any person feel stressed – passwords! We completely understand that feeling. There is significant advantage to...

Know who to turn to for support

Wordpress Security, Wordpress Website Tips

Ensuring you have a secure website is one of the most important business processes you can have in place. That’s why it is important to us to discuss the steps you can take to prevent a...

Why you need Cloudflare for your business website

Wordpress Security, Wordpress Website Tips

Are you spending a great deal of time looking at the ways you can keep your website secure? As a Web Design business we understand how complex this is, and how overwhelming all of the long...

Keep your site secure, Use Wordfence

Wordpress Security, Wordpress Website Tips

One of the best security features we have discovered in our years of working with websites is a plugin called Wordfence. You may remember us saying in a previous post that plugins can be places of...

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